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7 Top Design Decisions Direct Marketing and Web Designers Share

7 Top Design Decisions Direct Marketing and Web Designers Share



1. Create a compelling message.

According to David Ogilvy, five times more people read the headline than the body copy. It’s essential to use a powerful, bold headline telling your story and describing your offer or service.

2. Be clear and concise.

Avoid jargon in the body text or on the webpage. Remember that being transparent and avoiding jargon doesn’t necessarily mean talking down to your audience. Be sure that the product or service is appropriate and compelling to your target audience.

3. Use data.

In the world of marketing, and mainly B2B marketing, the correct use of data can be transformative.

Understand who is in your audience. For example, what are the demographics of new homeowners? This information may influence your design.

4. Branding, branding, branding

A brand is more than just a logo on your direct mail piece or website. It involves your online experience, your retail or workplace environment, the tone of your copy, and everything that relates to the “personality” of your business.

Express your brand consistently on every online and offline component you create.

5. Focus on typefaces.

Typography plays a crucial role in the success of a new design.

Strong sans-serif typefaces are most appropriate to grab attention in your headlines. Serif typefaces are softer and let the eye flow from one word to the next in your body copy. Contrast is important.

6. Make a unique masthead.

The designs that work best will instantly communicate their tone and mood from their masthead, cover line typography, and image choices.

7. Follow a style guide.

Make sure you have a style guide handy. They define the company image from a visual and editorial perspective to ensure a unified brand.